Integration through work 0.0

Project 3 'Integration through work 0.0'

This project is based on two remarkable observations. On the one hand, the labour market has a permanent need for talented employees. On the other hand, the experience and willingness to work of the “applicants for international protection” – also referred to as asylum seekers – are underused. Could their waiting time be better utilised by offering them an adapted training provision? Or by guiding them to work?
Fedasil - JobRoad
This is where JobRoad ASBL comes into play twice.
  • In collaboration with HIVA and Fedasil, our team primarily conducts a study into, among other things, the current training offer. For example, what does the activation and the support for this target group consist of today?
  • This study will subsequently result in a concrete test case via JobRoad.
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