- Beversesteenweg 576, 8800 Roeselare
- +3251460500
- Ma-Vr 08:00 - 17:00
The ‘Refugees2work’ project aims to promote the integration of applicants for international protection (also called asylum seekers). While awaiting a response to their asylum application, these candidates often stay in the collective reception centres of Fedasil and other partners. This waiting period can be filled more usefully by guiding the target group to the labour market. After all, having a job ensures better integration, building a network and smoother language acquisition.
In 2021, JobRoad ivzw, commissioned by Fedasil, conducted a study into the activation options of the target group. The study was conducted together with HIVA, the Research Institute for Labor and Society, affiliated with KU Leuven. In 2022, five matchmaking actions were organized to connect the target group with companies in the vicinity of the reception centres.
Building on this experience, the Refugees2work project was created. In this project, JobRoad IVW and Accent join forces for three years to organize four matchmaking actions per year in Belgium, starting from 4 collective reception centres in Flanders, Brussels or Wallonia. This project is being realized with financial support from the EU (AMIF), in collaboration with Fedasil.
The matchmaking actions within this project follow an adapted JobRoad 3-phase model:
Companies near the collective reception centres are informed about the underutilized potential of the target group. The companies explain their vacancies to the JobRoad employees and commit to meeting the candidates during the project week without requiring a CV (‘blind hiring’). The companies and intermediary organizations are offered a ‘life of a refugee’ workshop. In this workshop, the characteristics of the target group are explained, so that the onboarding of selected candidates can proceed smoothly. In the first phase, the target group itself will also be offered a workshop on the Belgian labour market and culture. In this way, a mutual understanding and framework is created by both parties.
Candidates are screened by JobRoad employees and matched with the vacancies of the participating companies. Particular attention is paid to their motivation, learning ability, relevant experience and competencies. Furthermore, legal access to the labour market is checked and discussed with the candidates.
During the project week, JobRoad accompanies the selected candidates to the participating companies. Through the exploration of the working environment, they are presented with all information about the vacancies. Later that day, the candidates meet individually with the company’s HR manager.
For candidates who are not retained after the project week, opportunities within the network of companies of JobRoad (ambassador companies) and Accent will be further explored.
The support of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF): A grant of a maximum of 400,907.54 euros was awarded to JobRoad iVZW. The total cost of the project is estimated at EUR 534,543.39. The project period runs from 01/2023 – 12/2025. The intended target group is the residents of collective centres. The project will guide a total of 540 residents of the collective centres (45 per action) towards employment opportunities. 12 ‘Life as a refugee’ workshops will be organized for a total of at least 60 companies and 12 ‘Belgian labour market’ workshops for 840 residents of the collective centres.
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