

The project “Ukraine@work” by JobRoad ivzw has been guiding Ukrainian refugees from the City of Antwerp into the regular labour market since October 2022. In 2024, we will guide 216 people from this target group, with the ambition to effectively bring at least 162 people into a work path (job/training/internship).

This project has been extended after the pilot project of 2022-2023, in which OCMW Antwerp selected 420 Ukrainian refugees to be guided to work by us. At the end of the journey, Jobroad helped 212 people from this group find work.

How do we work?

This project is subsidized by the City of Antwerp and is in partnership with the International Committee. Each partner has a clear role to play:


In the first phase, the City of Antwerp ensures the inflow and the preparation of a socio-economic profile of these living wage beneficiaries.


The International Committee (a federation with 350 affiliated associations of people with a migration background) invites these people on the basis of their socio-economic profile and starts an activation process. During this process, the barriers to work are removed (mainly working on important preconditions such as housing, mobility, childcare, etc.) and they prepare the target group for the labour market.


In a final step, these people are transferred to JobRoad, responsible for guiding them to work and activation. We do this by means of detailed processes at companies, job application moments, job dates, job fairs and individual conversations with employers & temporary employment agencies. We offer beneficiaries of a living wage concrete job opportunities and practice opportunities.


In the event of a final employment JobRoad and the International Committee monitor both employer and employee for 1 month in order to detect possible problems in time and mediate to ensure the sustainability of the employment.

Internationaal comitee
Stad Antwerpen

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