Project 14

Local Activation Pact Roeselare


Within the ‘Local Activation Pact’ project in Roeselare, we provide individual guidance programs of three months, during which we intensively guide candidates in the search for employment opportunities. The guidance is personal and supportive, with sufficient attention to autonomy and self-reliance.

How do we work? 

  1. Referral and introduction

Referral to this project is arranged by the social assistant. We like to get to know the client better and delve deeper into the job goals. We will look for a job through individual job hunting for three months. Within two weeks after the referral, we will schedule an introductory meeting at the Welfare House in Roeselare, on Tuesday or Thursday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

  1. Screening and matching

After the introduction, our JobRoad job coach carries out a screening to assess the client’s soft skills, such as motivation, interests and learning ability. We then match these skills with concrete vacancies and teach clients to read and analyse vacancies. If necessary, a short training or update of a certificate will be scheduled.

  1. Job hunting & interviews

The job coach then moves on to job hunting, aimed at finding sustainable jobs and employers who focus on inclusivity and use our ‘blind hiring’ methodology. We actively guide clients during job interviews, plan interviews and prepare them based on their competencies. Our job coaches offer personal guidance, support both clients and employers and provide valuable feedback after every interview.

  1. Aftercare

After placement, we provide one month of intensive aftercare, including follow-up calls and on-site visits, to support employers and clients, discuss challenges and address onboarding barriers. After this period, Welzijnshuis Roeselare will take over the follow-up, but JobRoad will remain available for further on-call support.

For clients who cannot start with an employer in the regular circuit within three months, we provide thorough feedback to the social worker.

Commissioned by the City of Roeselare JobRoad will guide 100 living wages beneficiaries towards a job in the period from 01/01/2024 – 30/11/2024. We aim to activate at least 40 living wage beneficiaries.