Project 12

Quartier Versaille – 'A tailor-made job'


The aim of the project ‘A tailor-made job’ is to organize meetings between job seekers and organizations that can help them find a job or training. Bringing all labour market players together in one place makes it easier for people in difficulty to find a job and offers them a single job placement service, centralized in a key location in the neighbourhood.

Guidance towards work is strengthened by organizing preparatory courses in the district that provide access to training leading to qualifications and/or short courses that give direct access to certain jobs.

Within this project we work in close collaboration with ‘Centrale de l’Emploi’.

How do we work?

A local contact person collects applications from job seekers, after which they are analysed by a group of employment experts who propose supporting solutions.

JobRoad guides candidates through an individual process that takes three months and consists of the following steps:


During the introduction to the JobRoad job coach, an explanation is given about the guidance process and the objectives.


In the screening and matching phase we map the soft skills, including motivation, interests, learning ability and hidden talents,… If necessary, a short training or update of a certificate will be scheduled.

  1. Job hunting: we look for suitable job opportunities for each client through, among other things, our ambassador (employment) companies, cold prospecting and possibly participation in a Job Fair.


The job interviews are personally supervised by JobRoad.

In the aftercare process, the client is closely monitored for one month through regular evaluation and progress discussions.

For clients who cannot start in the regular circuit within three months, thorough feedback is provided to the trajectory counsellor of the OCMW.

JobRoad is a partner of Centrale de l’emploi in the file called ‘Un job sur mesure’ (a file in the context of the call from the City of Brussels ‘Contrat de Quartier Durable « Versailles »’) – period: 01/07/2023 – 31/12/2026