We@work - LAP Antwerp

We@work - Local Activation Pact Antwerp


The aim of this project is to guide a total of 192 beneficiaries of a living wage from OCMW Antwerp to a sustainable job on the regular labour market by 2024. This will be achieved through an intensive, tailor-made guidance program of 3 months, which is supervised by JobRoad. Our ambition is to effectively lead at least 92 customers (48%) to sustainable work in the regular employment circuit.

This project is part of the local activation pact of the Flemish government, an initiative to get more people at work and to target an employment rate of 80%. The City of Antwerp has signed up to this in order to achieve its objectives to activate beneficiaries of a living wage, and is calling on the help of JobRoad to do so.

How do we work?


  1. Introduction

In the first phase there is an introduction to the JobRoad job coach. An explanation is given about the guidance process and the objective of the guidance process.


  1. Screening and matching

The screening follows immediately after the introduction. The JobRoad job coach maps the customer’s soft skills such as motivation, interests, learning ability and hidden talents and competencies to expand or adapt the customer’s existing job target if necessary.

Less emphasis is placed on hard skills, which often form an obstacle and make their access to the (regular) labour market more difficult.


In addition, tips and information are shared (at the time of screening but also throughout the entire process) regarding labour market opportunities, positions, vacancies, companies and what to expect during job interviews.



  1. Job hunting

Suitable job opportunities are sought for each customer via the following routes:

  • search for a potential match with vacancies at JobRoad’s ambassador companies
  • search for job opportunities through JobRoad’s ambassador employment companies
  • cold prospecting at local companies
  • joining a Job Fair or collective matchmaking edition.
  1. Job interviews

The JobRoad job coach presents the identified opportunities to the customers and schedules job interviews with the employers together with them. Each customer job interview is personally supervised by a JobRoad job coach. During these job interviews, JobRoad fulfils a supporting and advisory role for customers and employers.

Employers are informed by the JobRoad job coach about suitable forms of employment and the support measures available to them. Reference is made to other tools or partners for onboarding and integration into the team, such as language and job coaching, job crafting, or mentor and buddy systems.


  1. Aftercare

When a customer can start work, the employment is closely monitored with the employer and customer for one month.

With the support of the City of Antwerp, JobRoad will guide 216 beneficiaries of a living wage and aims to activate 48% of them sustainably.