Re-integration through work

Project 2 ‘Re-integration through work’

With the support of the European Social Fund (ESF), JobRoad is coming forward with a new project: detainees or people subject to jurisdiction will have the opportunity to reintegrate into the labour market and through this track also in society. JobRoad helps to strengthen the efforts for reintegration by the VDAB detention consultants, the justice assistants and their partners. This is done through an additional offer of guidance and by building a bridge with the business community. This project is based on the three familiar pillars: the kickstart, the day of screening and the project week.
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1. The company

On the project day, 3 to 6 participating companies will receive a brief explanation of the legislation. They present their vacancies to the VDAB detention consultant(s), the psycho-social counsellor(s) and the justice assistant(s) and are given a tour of the prison. A project day is organised annually in each of the seven cooperating prisons.

2. Screening & Matching - The candidates

The VDAB detention consultant(s), the psycho-social counsellor(s) check which candidates are suitable for which vacancy(s). They are screened and matched by the job coach of JobRoad.

3. Project Week - Introductions

The candidates are screened by the job coach of JobRoad, the HR partner or the HR recruiter of the participating company for their interest and working attitude. A week later, the candidate receives information about his/her possible recruitment or about the fact that he/she has not been selected. For candidates who have not been selected or did not participate in the project days, the JobRoad coach helps to look for a work solution.

ESF support: ESF457 – Reintegration through work: 01.01.2020 to 31.12.2022 * € 165,000 * KPIs: 7 matchmaking editions / year & 105 individual. accompaniments / year

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