Project 13

Roma@work 2.0 BXL


This project focuses on people of Roma origin in Brussels, who are in a vulnerable position, but who are motivated and available to follow a path to training and/or employment. Three partners join forces, each with their own input: Foyer vzw is responsible for finding and guiding clients towards training and employment. During the same guidance phase, Group Intro will strengthen the hard skills by means of: short and intensive training courses. JobRoad organizes a matchmaking campaign for this target group, and encourages employers in Brussels to participate and get to know this target group, in order to possibly fill their vacancies.

How does a matchmaking campaign work?

The matchmaking actions follow the three-phase model developed by JobRoad:

1. Kickstart – the companies

Companies that are looking for employees and declare that they are open to the target group, inform the trajectory counsellors of (ex)integrators during the kickstart meeting about the corporate culture and their relevant vacancies. These companies are committed to meeting candidates from the target group, who are presented by JobRoad, without the requirement of a CV (‘blind hiring’).

2. Screening & Matching – the candidates

Candidates are registered by trajectory counsellors on the screening & matching day, organized by JobRoad. On that day, the candidates are screened for their motivation, learning ability, relevant experience, competencies and talent for basic communication. They are matched by JobRoad to participating companies and vacancies.

3. Project week – the introduction

During the project week, JobRoad accompanies the selected candidates to the participating companies. Through the exploration of the working environment, they are presented with all information about the vacancies. Later that day, the candidates meet individually with the company’s HR manager.

For candidates who are not retained after the project week, opportunities within the network of JobRoad companies (ambassador companies) will be further explored.).

The personal approach via the JobRoad model transcends the barriers of language, mobility and competence(s). These aspects often make easy access to the regular labour market difficult for this target group. The project model appears to be an efficient lever to help them find a job, allowing them to fully participate in society again.

Support from ESF: JobRoad is a partner of Foyer vzw (promoter) in the Roma@work dossier (a dossier in the context of ESF call 56: Call Brussels – Projects for the sustainable participation in the labour market of people with complex problems) – period: 01/01 /2024 – 31/12/2027