General Terms and Conditions

Article 1. Scope

  • These general terms and conditions apply to all services and products offered by the ivzw JobRoad (hereinafter ‘the ivzw’). The client receives these terms and conditions with the quotation, as an appendix to the agreement and with the invoices. By signing the quotation or the agreement or by accepting the invoice, the client acknowledges that it has taken note of and agrees to these terms and conditions.

1.2. The possible invalidity of one or more clauses from these general terms and conditions does not affect the applicability of all other clauses.

1.3. Deviations from these general terms and conditions are only valid if they have been expressly agreed in writing.

Article 2. Quotation and agreement

2.1. The quotations/proposals made by the ivzw are valid for 30 days, after which they only have an informative value.

2.2. All stated prices are net prices excluding VAT. All taxes, fees and costs due upon delivery or at a later date shall be borne by the client.

2.3. The quotation/proposal only applies to the assignment as indicated and does not entail any commitment for future assignments.

2.4. An agreement is only concluded after acceptance of the quotation by the client and signing of the quotation and the present general terms and conditions.

Article 3. Terms, force majeure and additional work

3.1. The specified execution or delivery periods in the quotation are only indicative. Exceeding the planned execution or delivery period can under no circumstances, except in the case of intent or serious error on the part of the ivzw, entail the termination of the agreement. However, any delay in the implementation of which the ivzw becomes aware will be notified to the client as soon as possible. Changes to the order automatically result in the predetermined delivery terms being cancelled.

3.2. If the ivzw, due to force majeure, is unable to perform the agreement, even if the force majeure does not lead to permanent and/or complete impossibility of execution, the ivzw has the right to dissolve the agreement by registered letter to the client stating the reason that prevents the performance of the contract. In this case, the ivzw will not owe any compensation to the client.

Force majeure includes: loss of the original digital files due to a crash, war, mobilisation, riots, atmospheric disturbances, floods, storm damage, blockage in train, water, air or road traffic, lack of fuel, stagnation in , limitation or cessation of delivery by public utilities, fire, machine breakdown and other productions, creations, work disruptions, strikes, lockouts, government measures, non-delivery of materials and semi-finished products by third parties and others at the time of the conclusion of the assignment and/or agreement foreseeable and unforeseeable circumstances that disrupt the performance of the assignment and/or agreement and furthermore the circumstances that have such an influence on the content of the assignment and/or agreement that the other party cannot reasonably and fairly cannot demand to comply with the assignment and/or agreement. /or agreement. This enumeration is not exhaustive.

3.3. If a fixed price has been agreed with the client, this will only relate to the activities and services specified in the agreement. Additional assignments and services fall outside the agreement and are automatically charged to the client.

Article 4. Payment terms

4.1. All invoices are payable by bank transfer to the account number stated on the invoice.

4.2. Invoices are payable within 30 days from the invoice date.

4.3. All complaints regarding the invoices or the delivered products/services must be submitted within eight calendar days after the invoice date by registered letter stating the reasons. After this period, the complaint is inadmissible.

4.4. In the absence of payment within 30 days, counting from the invoice date, the invoiced amount will be increased automatically and without prior notice of default with an interest equal to the interest rate as stipulated in the law of 2 August 2002 on combating late payment in commercial transactions , plus seven percentage points and rounded to the higher half percentage point and with a minimum of 12% per annum. In addition, in the event of non-payment of the invoice one month after the due date, after written notice of default, a one-off fixed compensation of 15% of the sums due will be due, with a minimum of 125 euros and a maximum of 2,500 euros. This increase is justified by the burden, difficulties, cost of correspondence, loss of time, accounting difficulties and lack of disposal of the unpaid amount.

4.5. The non-payment of an invoice on the due date brings the immediate enforceability of all outstanding invoices, even non-expired ones, without regard to previously allowed payment terms.

4.6. In the event of non-payment or late payment of the amounts owed by the Client, the ivzw reserves the right to suspend the work until the outstanding debt has been settled. In this case, the client cannot claim compensation.

4.7. Until the client has paid in full and definitively, the ivzw retains full title to the products and services. However, all risks are borne by the client.

4.8. The request for judicial reorganisation (either amicably or judicially), cessation of payment – not even officially established – or any other fact indicating the insolvency of the client, results in the invoices relating to the services and goods delivered being immediately due and payable.

Article 5. Use of the SME portfolio

5.1. All workshops offered described in this catalogue can be taken into account for a discount according to the rules of the SME portfolio. For the conditions of application of this discount, we refer to the website of the Flemish Agency for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Vlaio). When applying for your workshop, the ivzw will, at your request, look together at the possibility of obtaining the discount according to the SME portfolio and how the payment should be made. 

5.2. The use of the SME portfolio does not release the Client from timely payment of the invoice in accordance with the provisions of Article 4.

Article 6. Cancellation and change conditions

A. Cancellation by the ivzw

6.1. The ivzw reserves the right to cancel the workshop, to change the program, date, location or the way of organising (digital/physical) for organisational reasons (for example, too few participants, no teachers available, corona outbreak , …). The Client will be notified of the changed circumstances as soon as possible by e-mail or telephone.

6.2. If the ivzw cancels, the cost price will be refunded within 30 days after the planned date. In case of relocation/change at the initiative of the ivzw, the Client can opt for the workshop to take place in other circumstances (different location, date, method of organisation, …) or to receive a refund of the price already paid.

B. Cancellation by Client

6.3. A Client who wishes to cancel his registration must always notify in writing by e-mail to The cost price is always due for the agreed number of participants,

  • unless in the event of death, illness or accident of a participant or his immediate environment. The necessary doctor’s certificates must be sent to us in advance by e-mail. It is always possible for the user to let another participant follow the workshop free of charge.
  • unless in case of the ivzw being notified in writing by e-mail 6 weeks before the start of the workshop that the Client wishes to cancel the agreement, in this case only 50% of the agreed cost price is due.

C. Change conditions

6.4. Only in case of force majeure (e.g. corona pandemic) can the agreed workshop be changed at the initiative of the Client and with the permission of the ivzw. Preference is always given to an implementation of the agreement rather than to a cancellation. The ivzw acts in good faith and tries to provide an alternative implementation of the agreement (for example, setting another date, having the workshop take place digitally, …)

Article 7. Liability

7.1. If the ivzw should be liable, then this liability is limited to what has been arranged in this provision.

 7.2. The ivzw is not liable for damage of any nature whatsoever, caused by the fact that the ivzw relied on incorrect and/or incomplete information provided by or on behalf of the Client.

7.3. The client acknowledges that the commitment entered into by the ivzw is an obligation of means.

7.4. The ivzw is only liable for direct damage.

Direct damage is exclusively understood to mean the reasonable costs to determine the cause and extent of the damage, insofar as the determination relates to the damage within the meaning of these terms and conditions, any reasonable costs incurred to have the agreement answered, insofar as these can be attributed to the ivzw and reasonable costs incurred to prevent or limit damage, for the Client demonstrates that these costs have led to limitation of direct damage as referred to in these general terms and conditions. The ivzw is never liable for indirect damage, including consequential damage, lost profit, missed savings and damage due to business interruption.

7.5. The liability of the ivzw is at all times limited to the invoice value.

Article 8. Indemnification

8.1. The Client indemnifies the ivzw against any claims from third parties who suffer damage in connection with the implementation of the agreement and the cause of which is attributable to others than the ivzw. If the ivzw should be held liable by third parties on that basis, the Client is obliged to assist the ivzw both in and out of court and to immediately do everything that may be expected of it in that case. Should the Client fail to take adequate measures, the ivzw is entitled, without notice of default, to proceed to do so itself. All costs and damage on the part of the ivzw and third parties arising from this are fully for the account and risk of the Client.

Article 9. Intellectual Property

9.1. The ivzw reserves the rights and powers to which it is entitled under the Copyright Act and other intellectual property laws and regulations. The ivzw has the right to use the knowledge gained through the implementation of an agreement for other purposes as well, insofar as no strictly confidential information of the Client is disclosed to third parties.

Article 10. Other provisions

10.1. Both the ivzw and the client accept electronic communication (e.g. e-mail) as evidence.

Article 11. Applicable law and disputes

11.1. Belgian law applies to all agreements. Any disputes fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of courts competent for the place of the registered office of the ivzw .

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